Want to learn how to manifest something by writing it down?! Follow these top tips on how to manifest on paper to help achieve your hopes & dreams.
Want to achieve a goal in your life, but don't know how? Manifestation provides the tools you need to align your mindset and goals to become reality.
You've probably heard of manifestation before. Whether you've seen someone talking about manifestation in a podcast or video, you may be wondering what's all the hype around manifestation anyways.
Believe me, I was skeptical at first when I heard about manifestation. But, over time, the more I began to learn about manifestation and how I could apply it in my own life, it was a game-changer.
In this article, you'll learn how to manifest something by writing it down in your own life with these easy tips below. With plenty of patience and persistence, you'll slowly start living your dream life thanks to the power of manifestation.
This post is all about how to manifest something by writing it down.
What is Manifestation?
Manifestation is when you visualize achieving a certain goal as if it were reality. For instance, you may manifest about being in a new relationship, getting a promotion, earning more money, etc.
It's important to note you don't necessarily have to manifest about a material success or a person, you can also manifest about feeling a certain emotion (i.e. feeling more calm).
The idea behind manifestation is you attract what you set your mind to. For example, if you manifest earning more money, your energy and mindset will be open to opportunities to get more money.
It's difficult to achieve something if you constantly bombard your mind with negative self talk such as 1) I don't deserve it or 2) I'm not enough. This negative mindset will not only mismatch with the energy needed to align with your goals, but you won't be open to opportunities that will help you to achieve your goals.
Myths About Manifestation
Manifestation is a hot topic, especially on social media. Therefore, before we dive into the nitty gritty of how to manifest something by writing it down, let's first talk about common myths surrounding manifestation.
Myth 1: You can Learn How to Manifest Something Instantly Overnight
Manifestation takes time and consistent repetition. You cannot expect to achieve some lofty goal (realistically) overnight.
For instance, if one of your manifestations is earning more money, you won't wake up the next morning instantly with achieving your money goal (this is an exaggerated example, but you get the point).
If manifestation were that easy, everybody would be doing it!
Manifestation helps align your energy and mindset so that you are more open to opportunities to help achieve your goals.
Myth 2: You Must Obsess Over It
Manifestation requires consistency and patience. However, that does not mean obsessing over your goals.
If you become obsessive over your manifestations, this will only make you feel more anxious and upset if you don't reach your exact goal by a certain timepoint.
Likewise, you'll likely fail to see other unexpected opportunities that have come and gone because you were so adamant about achieving one specific goal.
Myth 3: Manifesting is just Positive Thinking
Manifestation isn't just all rainbows and butterflies. Manifestation takes consistency and gradual progression.
Again, if it were easy, everybody would be doing it. And, we all have our bad days.
However, understanding that setting specific intentions each and every day towards your goal aligns your mindset and energy in such a way to achieve your goals.
Broad generalizations or simply thinking positively without specificity will get you little to nowhere in actually achieving your specific goals.
7 Steps On How to Manifest Something By Writing it Down
1. Pick the Right Journal For You
First, you'll need something to write your manifestations in.
A plain notebook or journal that is solely dedicated to manifesting is ideal.
Nothing fancy, just find an empty journal that you like.
2. Write Down One Sentence
Then, write down a sentence or two for what you want to manifest. This doesn't have to be too thought out or creative, just write down whatever comes to mind.
It may be daunting coming to terms with what you actually want to achieve. This is because over the years self-doubt may have come in the way of you thinking you were even worthy of achieving your goals.
However, understand your manifestation journal is a safe space to write down what you want out of your life.
So, be honest (& realistic) with yourself, and in a couple sentences write what you hope to achieve.
3. Expand On Your Thoughts
Once you've written a sentence or two of what you hope to achieve, expand on these starting thoughts.
Clarify and add specificity to these goals.
If you want to earn more money, how much money do you want to earn? When do you want to earn this money by? Why do you want to earn this specific amount of money?
If you want to lose weight, how much weight do you want to lose? When do you want to lose that specific amount of weight by? Why do you want to lose that much weight?
By asking detailed questions to clarify your goals, this makes your manifestations more specific which makes the path to achieving them more guided and targeted.
Most people want to earn more money; however, how much and why you want to have more money helps clarify and specify your manifestation uniquely to you.
4. Visualize and Imagine Achieving Your Manifestation
Now it's time to visualize and imagine what it's like having already achieved your goal (s).
What does your life look like now having achieved those goals? How is your life different from before? What new people or things do you see in this life?
Visualization helps turn your goals on paper into images you can see yourself genuinely achieving in life. This will help better align your desires and energy to take consistent and practical actions towards achieving your goals.
5. Create Positive Affirmations
Positive affirmations are short mantras or sayings that align with your overarching goals.
Therefore, take what you've already written and visualized of what you want in life, and think of short affirmations that will serve as guides and reminders to follow through daily.
For example, if you want a promotion at work, positive affirmations could be: "I am a hard worker", "I am qualified", "I am an asset to my company", "I am capable of taking on more responsibilities at work".
Again, these positive affirmations serve as shortened reminders of the overall specific goals you've written down in your journal in the previous steps.
6. Consistently Write Down Your Affirmations
The key to manifestation is consistency. There's a fine line when it comes to obsessing over your goals, or not setting any specific goals for yourself whatsoever.
Take the positive affirmations you've created in the step before and write those down at least once a day in your manifestation journal.
Right when you wake up is one of the best times to write out your positive affirmations because they'll be fresh in your mind to go about your day and act in accordance to those affirmations.
Repetition is key here! Try to write your positive affirmations down each morning in your journal to set your intentions for the day to help guide your actions to help achieve your goals.
7. Don't Obsess About the Outcome
Life is unpredictable. You can plan all you want , but you never know when life will throw you a curve ball.
That's why it's important to not be too narrow minded or obsessive about achieving your goal exactly. Otherwise, you may be blind to unexpected opportunities in your life that are just as good (if not better) than the goals you originally set for yourself and have been manifesting for.
Therefore, don't obsess about achieving a specific outcome. Because, the journey to achieving your goals may bring many exciting opportunities you never thought imaginable... be open-minded & enjoy the journey!
3 Ways On How to Manifest on Paper
1. How to Manifest Something by Writing it Down 369 Method
The 369 method is writing down what you hope to achieve by manifesting 3 times in the morning, 6 times in the afternoon, and 9 times at night.
The idea behind such a repetitive and consistent method is that over time, your brain will be so consistently exposed to your desires and goals that it will better align your actions and seek out opportunities associated with your manifestations.
2. How to Manifest Something by Writing Down Positive Affirmations
As discussed above, positive affirmations are short reminders that are quick and easy to write down to align with your manifestations.
Your positive affirmations set your mind in such a way to align your energy and attitude towards going after actions to achieve what you are manifesting.
3. How to Manifest Something by Scripting
Scripting your manifestations is when you write as if you've already achieved your goals, or after you've achieved your current manifestations.
For instance, if you manifested getting a promotion at work, scripting is when you write like you've already gotten the promotion.
Not only does scripting make it seem your goals are more attainable, but it also opens your mindset up to possibilities or new ideas to achieve your goal you might have never thought of before.
How to Manifest Something by Writing it Down Examples
The beauty of manifestation is there are endless opportunities and goals you can manifest. Below are 3 common examples of manifestations you can write about.
How to Manifest Someone
A common manifestation for many is learning how to manifest someone. This could be you desire to be in a new relationship with someone you've never met before. Or, this could be manifesting about someone in your past coming back into your life.
The key to manifest someone is know what you want and why. For instance, if you are manifesting a new romantic partner, be specific of what you are looking for in a partner (qualities they have), and why you want a partner.
How to Manifest A Goal
Manifestation is great for achieving goals. Many people may have goals of making more money, advancing their career, losing weight, etc. Yet, many people lack to add specificity to their goals.
Manifestation requires specificity. Be clear about the exact goal you want to achieve.
For instance, don't just write down "I want to lose weight". Rather, write down "I want to lose 20 pounds to feel healthier so I can play with my kids easier and feel more confident in myself and my appearance".
How to Manifest A Feeling
Manifestation can also involve feelings. For instance, if you live a seemingly hectic, stressful life, you may desire for a calmer, more balanced lifestyle.
With manifesting a feeling (such as living a calmer life), be specific of why you want to feel this way and what things in your life are currently causing you stress in your life.
This way, you'll be better able to take more actionable steps to reduce or better manage the stressors in your life.
Frequently Asked Questions
What do you say when manifesting something?
There's no right or wrong way to manifestation. Just be sure to be as clear and specific as possible when writing down your own unique manifestations.
Manifestations also require being honest with yourself about exactly what and why you want to achieve that goal, new relationship, etc.
How to manifest something in a week?
Manifestation takes consistent practice and patience. If you are trying to achieve a "lofty" goal, you need to be realistic on the time it will take to achieve that goal.
Again, if manifestation were quick and easy, everybody would be doing it.
However, by consistently writing down your affirmations, being open-minded to new opportunities that align towards achieving your goals, this will help you be well on your way to accomplishing your goals.
What words to not say when manifesting?
Steer clear of negative terms like "I don't want to be overweight" or "I will not eat junk food".
Negative sentences like these aren't specific at targeting your actual desires, and are instead telling yourself of what to avoid, not what you should specifically be doing to achieve your goals.
Therefore, try not to use words like "don't", "I will not" and other sentences in the negative form.
This post is all about how to manifest something by writing it down.
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